This is Simba and Graham. Simba is silver beige and 16 months old. Graham is red and is 9 months old. They're half brothers. Nancy, our breeder is wonderful. She's been helpful with any questions I have. Her pups are healthy and intelligent! Once you have a standard poodle, you'll never want another breed. My first Standard is Eve is black and shes 20 months old. Dixie just turned 2 years at the end of July. She's an awesome dog, so great around our 2 kids, including the newest in February (see photo) & our 2 year old that plays with her all of the time. She's been such a lively gal, thank you for your time socializing her with kids and great breeding--- she is an excellent pup, we just love her! This is Josh with his pal Tango. Tango was born in May, 2016. This is Shadow, my standard poodle. He is now 20 months old. I bought him from Nancy in March 2015. He was 7 weeks old. I can't thank Nancy enough. Shadow is my best friend. He goes everywhere with me. His name truly fits him. He is my Shadow. |
These our our poodles, Finn and Moses. Finn was born in May, 2016 and Moses was born in November, 2015. Fynnley is a four month old standard poodle born May 9, 2016. It was a pleasure meeting and working with Nancy. With my first phone call in response to the newspaper ad I was comfortable with a puppy born at her home. Nancy provided me with 7 references in our area. All responded enthusiastically when I phoned them. Nancy kept us up to date on Fynn and traveled to bring him to us. Fynn is now a happy busy member of our family. Kathy S This is Snickers, he was born in January, 2015. The breeder, Nancy Kokesch from New Ulm, Minnesota, is the best poodle breeder going. Really loves her poddles and makes sure they go to the right people. If they do not fit, she gives plenty of tips to the new owners to make them fit and feel comfortable with a new dog. Nancy reallygoes the whole way to make sure all her new owners are happy and satisfied. If you need a new poodle puppy, you should purchase one from her, you will not regret it. |